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EW Schisler

image of woody schisler santa fe abstract artist
When I stand in front of a blank surface, I am momentarily bewildered.   Then I just start.   Putting down a layer of paint leads me to other applications.
My surface is usually masonite, a material onto which I am able to cut, scrub and score, all of which is very physical.   This aggressive behavior reveals images that I don't readily see until I step back and take a breath.

I was a wrestler in my high school days, and I often feel as if I am literally wrestling with my work.   I move the piece from table to easel frequently.   Circling the piece gives me a varied perspective (and Led Zeppelin, Shostokovich and Beethoven don't hurt either).   The painting is done with many different brushes and rollers, as well as palette knives.   I cut into the pieces with anything abrasive and sharp.   Where photos are included, I have introduced them with a sense of balance throughout the painting.

My paints are acrylic, but any materials I have available are fair game.   I hate waste, and have been known to incorporate used canvases, rags, paint seconds, anything that gives texture and depth in my work.   Design is important and there is purpose in every piece.
My background includes theater, film, and television, but these creative endeavors never gave me the satisfaction that I get from painting.   The effort I expend in creating these paintings is more emotionally rewarding than any other activity I have undertaken.

Woody Schisler